Press Release
Love and solidarity from our Italian friends
During October and November 2013, the Italian feminist organization "Donne nella Crisi" ("Women in the Crisis"), along with other Italian organizations and groups of civilians, held a Solidarity Caravan in Italy, aiming to inform the Italian people about the critical situation of Greece's Public Health. The Caravan traveled throughout Italy, crossing a total of 15 cities, organized multiple events, such as discussions, photography exhibitions, video projections, thus making widely known the activities of the Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko and also the humanitarian crisis that is unfolding. A presentation of the Clinic was also made by our representative, brochures and informational material were given to civilians outside of hospitals and at various city squares, in order to raise awareness concerning the impact of the crisis in the average civilian' s health in our country. (You can read all about the itinerary of the caravan here)
During the events, a large number of urgently needed medications were collected and a significant amount of money was donated so as to proceed to the purchase of new medications for our clinic.
We were also very pleased to welcome the representative of the organization "Donne nella Crisi", Ms Rosa Calderazzi on the 3rd of April at our premises, where the official delivery of medicines, bought with the money donations during the Caravan, was made. At this point, it is worth mentionning that Ms Calderazzi, with the help of a volunteer, has been crossing Italy for over a month with a trailer, informing Italian civilians about everything that is currently happenning in the Greek National Health system. It is needless to say that any kind of aid coming from a country which faces similar social problems, such as high unemployment rates and serious effects on its National Health System, is of extreme importance and means a lot to us.
Delivery of medications bought with the money donated by Italian civilians during the solidarity caravan in Italy. In the middlle, we see the representative of the organization "Donne nella Crisi", Ms Rosa Calderazzi.
The representative of the organization "Donne nella Crisi" Ms Rosa Calderazzi having a conversation with the volunteer doctor Giorgos Vichas.
The least we can say is a very big "thank you" to our brothers in Italy, sending at the same time the message that we stand by them in their own forthcoming struggle to claim the right of all civilians for a free and unrestricted access to their country's National Health System.
We would also like to thank Ms Sonia Mitralia, from the group "Women for Reproductive Rights", who brought us into contact with the organization "Donne nella Crisi", and with whose presence and contribution the solidarity caravan has had such a positive outcome.
Below there are some pictures from the cities visited by the Caravan and the events that were held.
On the 22 of October the Cravan began its journey in Verona. We see here civilians being informed.
Verona, 10/22
10/25 Brescia and Rovato.
Meeting in Brescia.
Civilians information outside of a hospital in Brescia.
The Caravan in Rho and Cornaredo.
Informing civilians in Rho.
Informing civilians outside of a hospital in Milan, 10/28.
Milan, 10/28.
An outdoor civilian information in Milan.
10/29,Civilian information in Lodi.
Tha Cravan arriving in Bologna,11/5.
Meeting at Bologna University, 11/5.
Conference at Bologna University, 11/5.
Rome, 11/6.
Informative meeting in Rome, 11/6.
11/6, Rome.
11/7, The Caravan arriving in Salerno.
11/7, a theatrical performance in Salerno.
11/7 Salerno, a doctor selects and inspects the medications donated by civilians. Soon, they will be arriving at the MCCH.
11/7, Civilian meeting in Salerno, update about the situation in Greece.
11/8, The Caravan arrives in Consenza and Vibo.
11/8, Information in Consenza.
11/9 Arriving in Bari.
11/10, Arriving in Lecce.
Civilian information in Lecce.
11/10, Conference in Lecce.
11/10,Lecce, Conference through Skype with our volunteer in Greece Christos Sideris.
A poster about the events held in Lecce.
11/11, Firenze, civilian briefing and live conference with the MCCH and our volunteer doctor Giorgos Vichas, who spoke to the civilians who participated to the meeting.
11/11, Firenze, civilians update, with the participation of our volunteer, Ioanna Limperopoulou, who travelled to Italy especially for the Caravan, and was accommodated by our italian friends.
11/11, Firenze.
11/11, Firenze, outdoor civilians information and medications collection.
11/12, Livorno, meeting for the information of civilians. Our volunteer Ioanna Limperopoulou took part.
11/12, Livorno, our volunteer, Ioanna Limperopoulou in the middle.
11/13, The Caravan arriving in Mantova.
11/13, Civilian information in Mantova.
11/14 Torino, our volunteer Ioanna Limperopoulou informing civilians.
11/14, a poster about the Caravan events.
11/14, Torino.
11/19, The Cravan's last destination, Genoa.
11/19, Last destination, Genoa.
Working Hours
(MONDAY - FRIDAY 10:00 - 20:00) and (SATURDAY 10:00 - 14:00)
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece
Blog http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com
Working Hours
(MONDAY - FRIDAY 10:00 - 20:00) and (SATURDAY 10:00 - 14:00)
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece
Blog http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com