Sunday, March 10, 2013

Is anybody listening?

Helliniko 3 March 2013

Press Release

The volunteers of The Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko are continuing their daily struggle to offer support to those neglected by our national system of health and welfare.

They are witness, every single day, to the tragic situations that so many of our fellow citizens find themselves in after five years of financial crisis.  Despite the fact that they are not to blame, many are suddenly jobless and uninsured.  Having been mindlessly thrown to the dogs, the jobless, the uninsured, and now it seems even the insured will have to face the blunders of the so-called public health service.  Here is a sample of what has been in the press lately: 
1)      Under EOPPY (the major public health care provider) subsidies for childbirth have been abolished, and those for physiotherapy and eye-glasses have been reduced as well as needed staff.
2)      There are tragic shortages of basic medications, a fact carefully “ignored” by officialdom, but well known to every Tom, Dick and Harry.
3)      Prison sentences and fines to those who owe more than 5,000 euro to the public coffers. 

One wonders if anyone of those who helped create this situation is aware of the megaton fiscal bomb situated in our society.  A society that includes patients without medication and care, cancer sufferers without therapy and parents who have trouble feeding their children.  A society where many citizens, who have worked for years, now find themselves shut out of access to public hospitals when the need arises.

What is the answer for those who don’t have access to basic public health, medicine, water, power and other basic utilities; send them all to jail? 

We trust and believe that common sense will prevail.  In the meantime, we will continue to strive daily for the right of all to have access to the public health system, without reservation No one has the right to usurp a sacred right to life!