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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Visit by Doctors and Activists from Germany

On Monday 25 February 2013, The Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko was visited by a group of doctors and activists from Germany.  Their aim was to get information and report back to Germany their impressions concerning the consequences of the mandated austerity measures, especially as far as the health sector is concerned, and to put some pressure on the German leaders.

The group consisted of six doctors of different specialists coming from three cities (Munich, Berlin and Frankfurt).  All were members of the Association of Democratic Doctors of Germany (Verein Demokratischer Ärztinnen und Ärzte) and of Medico International, an organization that deals mainly with countries of the third world.

The visit was made in response to the alarming situation in the health sector in Greece, the influence of Berlin, through its Task Force in cuts in the health sector in Greece and the parallel creation of initiatives of support from the people, such as community clinics.  They also wanted to pass on their experience to their Greek colleagues.

Nadia Rakovits, the director of the Association of Democratic Doctors in Germany, emphasized that the doctors and the people have already been confronted with the impact of the policy to cut health expenses over the last ten years with hospital mergers and the Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) program which concerns the classification of hospital visits with the goal to reducing costs of treatment and care.

On March 12, 2013 the doctors will deliver a presentation to the University of Frankfurt on their experiences in Greece.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Is anybody listening?

Helliniko 3 March 2013

Press Release

The volunteers of The Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko are continuing their daily struggle to offer support to those neglected by our national system of health and welfare.

They are witness, every single day, to the tragic situations that so many of our fellow citizens find themselves in after five years of financial crisis.  Despite the fact that they are not to blame, many are suddenly jobless and uninsured.  Having been mindlessly thrown to the dogs, the jobless, the uninsured, and now it seems even the insured will have to face the blunders of the so-called public health service.  Here is a sample of what has been in the press lately: 
1)      Under EOPPY (the major public health care provider) subsidies for childbirth have been abolished, and those for physiotherapy and eye-glasses have been reduced as well as needed staff.
2)      There are tragic shortages of basic medications, a fact carefully “ignored” by officialdom, but well known to every Tom, Dick and Harry.
3)      Prison sentences and fines to those who owe more than 5,000 euro to the public coffers. 

One wonders if anyone of those who helped create this situation is aware of the megaton fiscal bomb situated in our society.  A society that includes patients without medication and care, cancer sufferers without therapy and parents who have trouble feeding their children.  A society where many citizens, who have worked for years, now find themselves shut out of access to public hospitals when the need arises.

What is the answer for those who don’t have access to basic public health, medicine, water, power and other basic utilities; send them all to jail? 

We trust and believe that common sense will prevail.  In the meantime, we will continue to strive daily for the right of all to have access to the public health system, without reservation No one has the right to usurp a sacred right to life! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Solution found on the problem of the Family of Six

Helliniko 01/03/2013

Press Release 

A little while ago we received the following message from the mother of the family of six who had could not pay their water bill.  We are very happy that the water utility provided this family with an immediate solution.

But we do ask the utilities to provide a permanent solution to families and not treat each family as a special case.  The utilities must find that precise formula that can enable families in need to look at the future with hope and optimism.  If we give only partial solutions then the problem is perpetuated.  These families owe money because they simply do not have it.  Let’s not treat them like criminals.  To the contrary, we should come to their aid, because tomorrow's citizens of this country are their children, they are OUR children.

Thank you ALL for your support! Without you we would not have had this positive result!

Here's the message we received from the mother of the family:

"GOOD MORNING! ALL is well! Actually, I could say PERFECT!!!  The water company deleted our debt.  We are expecting to be reconnected to the water system at mid-day.  With the fines for non-payment, the bill reached 671.12 Euros.  From here on, we will have to find a way to be punctual with the bills.  The supervisor was waiting for me!!!  What can I say – another hurdle overcome!!! Now on to the PPC.  Monday I will run there.

All the “thank you’s” I can say .are nothing next to the assistance and advice you gave.  That is real humanity!!  A good month to you all!!!!!  

Friday, March 1, 2013

A family of six on the edge of desperation

Helliniko 27/02/2013

Press Release

The Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko makes a strong appeal to all public utilities to deal with a serious problem that is affecting the vulnerable in our society.  A family of six has had their water meter removed by the water utility for non-payment of their water bill. 

The family comes to MCCH for their medical needs and consists of:
-       a father, long term unemployed since 2010
-       a mother, long term unemployed since 2008
-       Four children, aged 17 and three younger children aged 5 years, 2 years and an infant of 14 months.

The family is going through a very hard time.  In the last few months electricity and water have been cut off several times and the children are forced to study by candlelight – while shivering in the cold.

We cannot turn a blind eye to the constant misery all around us, so we demand the immediate re-connection of their water supply. 

The public utilities should stop waging war against our vulnerable citizens, driving them into even deeper misery.  Maybe the officials at the utilities should ask themselves how they would live if they found themselves in the same situation.

Such insensitive and ruthless behavior against our citizens must stop NOW