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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cardiology Clinic of Asklipion Hospital Voula to cooperate with MCCH

Helliniko 29 January 2013

The Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko’s ongoing efforts to offer medical care to the uninsured and indigent are finding support from both the public and private medical community.

MCCH is pleased to announce an invaluable cooperation with the Laboratory of Echocardiograpy at Asklipiou Hospital, Voula and their Director Mr Athanasios Tsoukas.  Every Wednesday, from 4-6pm patients referred by The Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko will be seen by the Laboratory for triplex sonograms at no cost to the patient.

Each individual has a right to health care and the state has the responsibility to provide it.  Today, this basic right is being protected through the outstanding efforts of members of the medical community supported by ordinary citizens volunteering their time and considerable expertise.    

Friday, January 18, 2013

Foreign Press reports, articles, radio broadcasts for the Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko

Last update: 9/10/2014

Click on the following links:

TV shows: 
American CNN - http://www.youtube.com/
Austrian Puls4 - http://www.puls4.com/video/cafepuls/play/1821254
Chinese CCTV - http://english.cntv.cn/
French version of Ηuffington Post - http://www.youtube.com/
Venezuelan satellite television TeleSUR -  http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/ 
Italian SkyTG24 - http://tg24.sky.it/
French France 5 - http://www.france5.fr/
From the German ZDF (starts from 20:20) - http://www.zdf.de/
From the German ARD - http://www.tagesschau.de/
From  the British BBC - https://www.youtube.com/
From the international IPS TV - http://www.ips-tv.net.edgesuite.net/
From the Iranian English speaking Press TV - http://www.presstv.ir/
From the belgian national channel Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie (from 13:20 onwards) - http://www.canvas.be/ or here http://www.deredactie.be
French ARTE – http://www.arte.tv/
German Spiegel – http://www.spiegel.tv

Russian (in english) – http://rt.com/

Radio broadcasts: 
German Funkhaus Europa
1) http://ondemand-http.wdr.de/
2) http://ondemand-http.wdr.de/
Italian AMISnet radio agency

The BBC's Andrew Bomford reports from Athens on how the most vulnerable people are suffering because of Greece's financial crisis

Finnish YLE (from 34 minutes and onwards) – http://arenan.yle.fi/radio
German Deutsche Welle  – http://mediacenter.dw.de/

Press reports:
American New York Times - http://www.nytimes.com/
British The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
Austrian FM4 - http://fm4.orf.at/stories/1705934/
German Suddeutscge Zeitung - https://docs.google.com/
French version of Ηuffington Post - http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/ 
German  Deutsche Welle (in German) - http://www.dw.de/ 
German Deutsche Welle (in English) - http://www.dw.de/
NPR - www.npr.org
Spanish El Pais -  http://www.elpais.com
French blog The Parthenon Post - http://www.theparthenonpost.com/  
German Verdi - http://publik.verdi.de/
French Basta! - http://www.bastamag.net/
German Süddeutsche Zeitung (2nd article) - https://docs.google.com/
British BBC - http://www.bbc.co.uk/
Spanish 15M Barcelona International - http://int.acampadadebarcelona.org
Italian Atenecalling.org - http://atenecalling.org/
Inter Press Service - http://www.ipsnews.net/
Italian Pagina99 - http://thinkingpagina99.tumblr.com
Taiwan Business Week - https://docs.google.com/
British Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk
American Washington Post – http://www.washingtonpost.com/
Slovenian digital media Planet Siol - http://www.siol.net/multimedia/grcija-boj-s-krizo/

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Press Release - Free Medical Exams by a team of Doctors of MCCH in the island of Paros

                                                                                               Helliniko 16 January 2013

Sticking to its beliefs that all people should have free access to medical and pharmaceutical care, MCCH organized a two day trip to Paros to offer free medical examinations in cooperation with the local Community of Marpisas and the Women’s Society of Marpisas. 

The team from MCCH including cardiologist Dr. G. Vichas, paediatrician Dr. Costaridou and orthopaedist Dr. Stamataki travelled to Paros on Saturday and Sunday, the 12th and 13th of January 2013.  They were accompanied by a secretary, Ms. Beatrice Vinos.  The MCCH staff vaccinated 55 children and performed medical examinations on 230 inhabitants of the island.

The doctors from MCCH found many people’s health was substandard because of lack of medical expertise on the island as well as the financial inability of many residents to cover the costs of transportation to Athens or other medical centers.   

The provision of the medical exams and children’s vaccinations provided meaningful support to the residents of Paros.  It also highlighted, once again the decline of our public health system.  The volunteers of MCCH will do whatever we can, to fill that gap.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Press Release - Cooperation between the Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko (MCCH) and Sismanoglio Hospital for the care of uninsured Patients

Helliniko 21 November 2012

The Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko has been struggling daily for a whole year against the exclusion of the uninsured, the poor, the jobless citizens in our midst from a chance to have health care.  Not surprisingly, their slogan is “Let no one be alone in a crisis.”  They have been able to achieve this – with the help of the Municipality of Hellinko and Argyroupolis – by turning to volunteer doctors, dentists, pharmacists, physiotherapists and other volunteer supporters and helpers.

Today is an important day because, two years after the austerity measures of the “memorandum” the way is open to make public health care an indisputable goal. 
Today, at the recommendation of our clinic, for the first time, an uninsured individual has been admitted to a public hospital officially, without his having to pay for any expenses.

At the request of MCCH the Board of Sysmonoglio Hospital decided just last week to accept our uninsured and poor patients who need additional health care.  The decision was made yesterday and today. in fact, a 47 year old woman, uninsured and having serious health problems, was admitted.  She needed immediate attention that only a hospital can provide.

It is an important victory of being humane and standing together

Thursday, January 10, 2013

PRESS RELEASE - ΜCCH contributes to the creation of a European Network on the Right of Free Access to Health Care

                                                                                                   Helliniko 10 January 2013

Particularly decisive was the contribution of the Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko.  Their efforts could be the origin of the creation of a wider European network that helps ensure the inalienable human right of free access to the public health system, especially for the socially vulnerable.

After productive contact with medical organizations and institutions abroad, and through repeated visits to the MCCH by foreign journalists, researchers foreign universities, doctors and ordinary citizens we achieved the following:

The first resolution of solidarity and support of the French physicians of Hospital Mental Health EPS de Ville Evrard, was issued on 20 November 2012. This has now been followed by a call from the European Network for the establishment of a network of many community organizations in Europe, who propose to support the efforts of all community and free clinics in Greece in their daily struggle to provide health care to those who lack access to the public health system.

The efforts of MCCH have resulted in not just another resolution of support, but a cascade of measures from organizations around the globe committed to a common purpose: "freedom of access to healthcare and social care every citizen-insured or uninsured, wealthy or needy '

The resolution follows:

A call from the European Network to the Social Solidarity Clinics in Greece against the privatization and commercialization of health and social protection 

Today in Greece, one of the sectors where the most vulnerable suffer the consequences of austerity policies is in health-care.  During the last two years, one third of public hospital services have dissolved.  For example Thessaloniki, a city of one million inhabitants, has removed approximately 1 000 hospital beds.  8 000 have been removed in the entire country.  One third of the population no longer has insurance coverage.  For them, as for many others, access to the public health system has become impossible.

At the same time, working conditions have worsened.  Unemployment has risen exponentially and health workers in employment have seen their salaries reduced sometimes up to 50% (note - the previous sentence very confusing in the original Greek – you think it’s talking about all employment, then in the last two words of a rather long sentence, it seems this is referring to health workers alone

Demonstrating a criminal blindness, international authorities (IMF, ECB, European Commission) continue to require more and as soon as possible.

Faced with this worsening situation, individual citizens have organized social solidarity clinics (such as MCCH) operated by volunteers who are actively fighting everyday to improve the situation. 

These volunteer operated clinics are not only facing an influx of people excluded from the national health service, but also a lack of resources to completely cover their needs.

The European Network is against the privatization and commercialization of health care and social protection.  It declares its absolute support to the Greek people, the primary victims of austerity politics.  It does so first by actively reacting against and opposing the political philosophy which now dominates most of Europe.  A reaction which we see on both national but also European levels.  This will be triggered by the meeting of the leading nations on the May 13-14, 2013, which will include national governments as well as pan-European organizations and will deal specifically with the dire consequences of austerity in the filed of health care.  Another reaction to the philosophy of austerity will lead to an attitude of solidarity which will finally manifest itself in the creation of local community clinics for the victimized.  The Network calls upon its members as well as all collectives, unions and political organizations struggling to defend the right to a free and universal health care system to show their solidarity in this.