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Monday, December 23, 2013

The data speaks for itself: Enough is enough!


The data speaks for itself: Enough is enough!

In a few days the Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko will complete its second year of operation. Two years of non-stop care, solidarity and struggle for what should exist without exceptions: Dignity, health, life.

In this second year the situation became tragic for those without any insurance, the long-term unemployed and those with no means of subsistence, who are excluded from public healthcare.

Last year's data are shocking:

·         Visits to the Metropolitan Community Clinic for primary health care (doctor visits, medicinal coverage) and provision of baby food are already more than 17.500.

·         Besides these visits, 2.331 laboratory tests were made, by collaborating laboratories that offer them for free to people that absolutely need them, as follows: 749 imaging tests, 193 cardiological tests, 503 ophtalmological, 886 blood and microbiological tests.

·         The Metropolitan Community Clinic arranged 102 surgical procedures, 78 in Public Hospitals and 24 in private ones. 21 of them were urgent - 15 of them were cardiac procedures and heart surgeries, 1 aortic aneurysm, 1 was cancer-related and 4 were childbirths.

Still, today, 50 patients with serious medical problems, await secondary treatment. 10 of them are in life-threatening conditions:

1 with abdominal aortic aneurysm
8 cardiac surgery cases
1 possible cancer

What will happen to these patients, that are verifiably in no position to pay? Will we let them die as well, Minister? Our hospitals with the closed budget you have imposed, can not cover these patients' health expenditures. When you show this criminal negligence regarding the uninsured patients, how do you expect us to believe that you will demonstrate the sensitivity required in the restructuring of primary health care?

We therefore call on the state in order not to grieve more victims, like the 36 year old cancer patient that died, leaving two young children behind.

Community Clinics are doing the best they can, but they can not replace secondary health care -the state has to assume its responsibilities at last.



  Working Hours
(MONDAY - FRIDAY 10:00 - 20:00)  and (SATURDAY 10:00 - 14:00) 
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950 
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece 
http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com

Thursday, December 19, 2013

This is no success story

Press Release
"This is no success story"

Since July of 2012, when we started treating cancer patients, working together with the oncology clinic of Sotiria Hospital we have helped 126 patients.  Unfortunately we also lost ten of them and some of these left orphaned children.

These 126 cancer patients are, of course, just a fraction of our 4,000 patients and of the 16,000 cases we have treated at the Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko in the 23 months of our existence.  All our patients together are only a drop in the ocean of three million uninsured citizens that the governments of the last three years have excluded from our public health system.

The following allegations and observations of two of our patients were presented in the in the program “We Walk Together” on the web channel Vmedia on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTlI_5rV-go&list=UUFbRfPGLp-EsXtB8MLWQ3Eg  - (This video is in Greek)

These testimonials are a response to the leaders in power that turn a deaf ear and stubbornly pursue policies which lead individuals to miserable consequences when they need support at such difficult moments. 

We also include statistics concerning the 126 cancer patients which show clearly the immensity of their crime and the consequences of the state’s cruelty towards the uninsured – especially toward cancer patients. 


  Working Hours
(MONDAY - FRIDAY 10:00 - 20:00)  and (SATURDAY 10:00 - 14:00) 
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950 
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece 
http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

“Certain things can't be hidden under the red carpet rolled out for the Troika...”


Certain things can't be hidden under the red carpet rolled out for the Troika...”

The government and the officials at the Ministry of Health may put on a show, trying to convince us that everything is getting better, but studies regarding the status of health care at a European level, prove them liars once again, mirroring the stark reality of the crisis in Greece.

According to the study of Eurofound (2013): “Impacts of the crisis on access to healthcare services in the EU”, referring to the impact of the financial crisis upon Health services in EU countries, in Greece in particular (without taking into account the even worse developments that have taken place during the past two years)

·         there was a 43% rise from 2007 to 2011 in people that have not been able to meet their medical needs due to the rising cost

·         spending on public Health has decreased by 12% in 2010 and by a further 14% in 2011

·         there was an increase in cases of tuberculosis, influenza, sexually transmitted diseases and even malaria that re-emerged, due to the drastic cuts in prevention and infection control measures, especially among vulnerable population groups

Furthermore, according to the article published by the prestigious medical journal The Lancet (Volume 378, Issue 9801, 22 October 2011)

·         there was a 40% rise in suicides in 2011 in comparison to 2010, while 25% of the callers in help-lines where facing financial difficulties

·         the Greek chapter of the Medecins du Monde estimates that the proportion of Greeks seeking medical attention from their street-clinics rose from 3-4% before the crisis to about 30%

The Lancet article ends with a warning: “In an effort to finance debts, ordinary people are paying the ultimate price: Losing access to care and preventive services, facing higher risks of sexually transmitted diseases, and in the worst cases losing their lives. Greater attention to health and health-care access is needed, to ensure that the Greek crisis does not undermine the ultimate source of the country's wealth -its people.”.

If one adds to all this the three million citizens without any social security and therefore without access to public health services, one can get a clear picture of the results of the “Memorandum” policies and the collapse of the National Healthcare System.

Is anyone listening?



The Lancet Volume 378, Issue 9801, 22 October 2011 - Alexander Kentikelenis, Marina Karanikolos, Irene Papanicolas, Sanjay Basu, Martin McKee, David Stuckler - Health effects of financial crisis: Οmens of a Greek tragedy
Eurofound (2013) Impacts of the crisis on access to healthcare services in the EU -


  Working Hours
(MONDAY - FRIDAY 10:00 - 20:00)  and (SATURDAY 10:00 - 14:00) 
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950 
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece 
http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com

News on the Solidarity Caravan in Italy

Helliniko 22 November 2013

Press Release
News on the Solidarity Caravan in Italy

The Solidarity Caravan arrived at its final destination in Padua after a journey of 28 days and visiting 15 different cities in Italy.  For further information as to what cities the caravan visited, you can read our first press release here (link)

It was very moving to see our Italian friends organize this Caravan of Solidarity with our clinic and its patients.  In essence, the Solidarity Caravan was for all of the people in our countries who suffer under the crisis.

We had the opportunity on several occasions to speak, via Skype directly with MCCH from several of the events that had been organized and from different cities visited by the caravan.  Ioanna Lymperopoulou a volunteer from our communication team was able to attend three of them.  The keen interest from the Italians showed deep interest in the subject and the repeated questions on the status of public health in our country clearly showed deep anxiety about what is happening.

We want to thank Mrs. Sonia Metralia of the group “Women for Reproductive Rights” that brought us in contact with the group “Donee nella crisi” (Women of the Crisis) who had the idea of the caravan and assisted us with contacts to make it a reality.

Here is a short summary of the events of our volunteers participated in during their stay in Italy.

On Tuesday 12 November, the caravan arrived in Livorno.  After a reception outside the Spendali Rivinti Hosptial, spokeswoman for MCCH Ioanna Lymperopoulou and Rosa Calderazzi, a representative of Donne nella Crisi met with representatives of the International Cooperation in Hospital Health and discussed ways to strengthen solidarity towards the needy and uninsured patients of MCCH

In the afternoon there was an open meeting at Teatrofficina Refugio where Ioanna Lymperopoulou made a presentation on the clinic and the problems currently facing the public health system in Greece.  A discussion and dinner followed

Arrival of the caravan in Livorno, outside the hospital Spendali Rivinti.

Distribution of leaflets outside the hospital to inform the public about the meeting, the clinic and the state of public health in Greece.

The meeting at Teatrofficina Refuggio, Livorno

On Wednesday, the caravan arrived in Mantua.  Rosa Calderazzi of Donne nella Crisi spoke in an open meeting.  Doctors from MCCH was able to participate in the meeting via Skype.  Discussion followed the presentation.

On Thursday 15 November, the caravan was received in Turin.  An open meeting was held in the afternoon in Piazza Madama.  Ioanna Lymperopoulou made a presentation.  This was followed by comments from bystanders on the situation currently facing the Italian health care system.  A dinner followed the dialog. 

“Per Helleniko, in Solidarieta alla Grecia” – the slogan of solidarity from our Italian friends.

Organizing events in Turin

Piazza Madama


  Working Hours
(MONDAY-FRIDAY 10:00-14:00) (MONDAY 17:00-20:00) 
(TUESDAY 14:00-20:00) (WEDNESDAY 16:00-20:00) (THURSDAY 14:00-20:00)
(FRIDAY 14:00-19:00) (SATURDAY 10:00-14:00) 
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950 
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece 
http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com

Sunday, November 24, 2013

News on the Solidarity Caravan in Italy

Press Release
News on the Solidarity Caravan in Italy

On the 22nd of October, The Solidarity Caravan started from  Verona. (see http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/2013/10/a-caravan-of-solidarity-for-mcch-in.html )

On Monday, 11 November, the Caravan arrived in Florence.  Our Italian friends, together with Greek students organized a number of events.  Here are the pictures.

Dinner at CPA-FiSud and collection of funds and medicines to support the Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko.

Banners and posters at Careggi Hospital in Florence.

Photography exhibit and pavilion at the Entrance to the Careggi Hospital to inform patients, doctors and visitors of the effects of austerity policies when applied to the health budget in Greece and Italy.

The Solidarity Caravan was received in Florence by an assembly of citizens.  Rosa Calderazzi (a representative of the organization Donne nella Crisi, which organized the caravan) and Ioanna Lymperopoulou (representative of MCCH) spoke to an open assembly.  Dr. George Vichas was able to make a presentation via Skype.  A discussion followed.

Ioanna Lymperopoulou, of MCCH describes the clinic and its contribution to the community.

“Solidarity with those who struggle for a better future – that’s the message that we want to send to the doctors and volunteers who contribute their time and effort to the Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko,” say our friends from Florence.

The Caravan has travelled throughout Italy.  Below are all the stops on the Caravan’s schedule.  It was a tremendous effort

22/10 VERONA
26-27/10 RHO and CORNAREDO
28/10 MILANO
29/10 LODI
6/11 ROMA
9/11 BARI
10/11 LECCE
14/11 TORINO
15/11 COMO
20/11 PADOVA


  Working Hours
(MONDAY-FRIDAY 10:00-14:00) (MONDAY 17:00-20:00) 
(TUESDAY 14:00-20:00) (WEDNESDAY 16:00-20:00) (THURSDAY 14:00-20:00)
(FRIDAY 14:00-19:00) (SATURDAY 10:00-14:00) 
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950 
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece 
Blog http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com

…as from today we are all Greeks

Press Release
“…as from today we are all Greeks

On Tuesday, 5 November 2013 the cardiologist Dr. George Vichas, representing MCCH was officially invited to participate in the conference “Responding Together” organized by the Council of Europe jointly with the European Union.  Dr. Vichas participated in a workshop “How to create incentives to avoid waste and promote a better use of resources.”  He answered numerous questions on the organization and operation of the Metropolitan Community Clinic, the plight of the uninsured and those cut off from public health and the impact on the health of patients excluded from the public health system in our country.

His description of the situation in Greece today included the difficulty that even the insured experienced to afford a doctor or the medicines prescribed.  Often the medications are not available.  Dr. Vichas mentioned pregnant women who couldn’t find a hospital bed to give birth and who had received little or no pre-natal care.  He described cancer patients losing time in getting treatment and the often tragic result of uninsured patients who require hospitalization and advanced care.

He showed clearly and made the audience realize that the policies that are being followed at present are criminal and there are people who will one day have to answer for them.  It is not a time for complacency for European citizens who must realize by now that such policies are being deployed in many European countries.

Finally Dr. Vichas, one of the founders of MCCH, pointed out what for thousands of years Greeks have known; that when there is no political will to abolish a policy that is really criminal, we the people abolish it ourselves and take action to clearly show that we reject such a law.  He then stated “be sure that is what we do today” in doing our utmost to help those who are cut off from the public and national health systems.”

The reaction at the meeting was immediate.  There was a lot of interest and even anger.  Finally a lawyer from the European court wanted urgently to take the Greek case to the court.  But the president of the meeting selected only three of the many examples that had been voiced by Dr. Vichas to be studied at the higher levels of the European Committee and the European Parliament.

The most touching moment for our doctor was when, at the end of the meeting, he was surrounded by the members who approached him and said to him, with evident emotion, “As from today, we are all Greeks”


  Working Hours
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(TUESDAY 14:00-20:00) (WEDNESDAY 16:00-20:00) (THURSDAY 14:00-20:00)
(FRIDAY 14:00-19:00) (SATURDAY 10:00-14:00) 
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950 
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece 
http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Compelling Evidence on Uninsured Cancer Patients

Press Release
Compelling Evidence on Uninsured Cancer Patients

The 126 cancer patients treated by The Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko provide compelling evidence of the grim reality faced by the uninsured cancer sufferer. These patients were referred to Sotiria Hospital for chemotherapy. With two years of experience in treating cancer patients, the statistics gathered were presented at an oncology conference on 17 November in Athens.

Sixty percent of these patients came to MCCH in the third, fourth and even fifth month after the initial diagnosis. In all these cases, the tumours had grown or spread. In almost all of the cases, exams, including CT scans had to be done from the beginning even though in many cases, the cancer was quite advanced.

The disastrous policies coming from the Ministry of Health have resulted in what to amounts to the “murder” of ten of our patients, including mothers who have left orphaned children. These patients, if they had received treatment earlier, needn’t have died.

We need to shout out, with one united voice – human life is more than numbers and money.

Sign our petition: 



  Working Hours
(MONDAY-FRIDAY 10:00-14:00) (MONDAY 17:00-20:00) 
(TUESDAY 14:00-20:00) (WEDNESDAY 16:00-20:00) (THURSDAY 14:00-20:00)
(FRIDAY 14:00-19:00) (SATURDAY 10:00-14:00) 
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950 
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece 
http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Greek Public Health System is dismantled

The Greek Public Health System is dismantled

At The Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko we see, on a daily basis, the grim results of destructive policies to the public health system.  These policies have been years in the making and as a result, more and more people have been cut off from public heath.  The chronically ill without access to medical treatment, pregnant women without pre-natal care or a safe place to give birth, malnourished infants, as parents cut back on baby formula, unvaccinated children, carriers of serious diseases without medication, cancer patients with tumours neglected.  Many serious diseases, including cancer, have been neglected for too long.  And even insured patients often find no relief since certain drugs have become alarmingly scarce.

The last straw is that more and more people are without electricity or water because they cannot pay their bills.  In one case an unemployed person couldn’t afford the bus fare of €1.20 and they were finally fined €720 (no, that was not a typographical error).

These are people who have been working and paying into social insurance funds all their lives, but have lost it all now that they have become unemployed and have subsequently lost their public health insurance as well.  They are now literally at God’s mercy. 

We are haunted, daily, at our clinic by such hardships of our patients.  We cannot but be staggered with emotion and anger as we try to face all these individual tragedies.  And just as the voluntary solidarity clinics are all calling for help and gathering medications – sometimes pill by pill – to save lives, the Ministry of Health announces that for a fee of €25, patients will be admitted to a public hospital.  They are condensing and reducing the number of available beds as well as hospital staff.  They are doing away with the services of the four pharmacies for the uninsured run by EOPPY (The Greek Organization for Public Health) and they are closing ALL the mental health faculties by calling on family members to take the patients back into the home.  At the same time, cots have re-appeared in hospital halls, creating pathetic scenes.  The plan for the fate of primary health care system – if it exists at all – is unknown and lost in endless debates about doing away totally with EOPPY.

The “clear cut” directions that had been announced by the Minister of Health in the summer to deal with the serous problem of uninsured patients in public hospital are anything but practically feasible and the whole problem is now labelled as “logistical”.  That means that if the patient cannot pay, the entire matter will go to the tax office with the well known consequences of all debts  

The reality is that around half of the Greek population no longer has access to the public health system.  According to official records, presented by the president of EOPPY, Mr. Kontou there are 3,000,000 uninsured citizens.  Another 3,300,000 are insured, but among them are many who have closed shops, or those who are employed, but have no health insurance rights.  The Minister of Health himself has publicly stated that “we can no longer ensure the access of all citizens to public health.”  In other words, we’re giving priority to paying our debts and not to public health or the health of the individual - individuals who are facing the worst economic decade since the 1930’s.  The severely wrong political choices made by successive governments over the last several years have gotten us to this point; it is the simple citizens that now have to pay the bill.

The Minister of Health and the government present us with the plight of our country which is getting steadily worse, like some sort of exaggerated disaster movie. And they can do nothing for public health other than throwing a few crumbs.

These political choices are not a matter of “logistics”, they mean those sick and shut out of the system are dying in their thousands.  It is deeply wrong.

Here is a list of sources for all the facts mentioned above.  They are in the Greek language, but we translate the titles for you here, along with the web address:

Victims of the humanitarian crisis – the unemployed, uninsured women and motherhood

The country is open to the risk of losing primary health care because of mobility

Express Exit for the Mentally Ill

Prosecution for those who owe more than 5,000 euro to the public coffers”

Repeal of the childbirth allowance, reduction of physiotherapy, reduction of supplement for ety glasses and reduction of personnel in EOPPY 

Zero-hour for Evangelismos Hospitaltemporary cots choke hospital halls” (photo-documentary)

“More than 3,000,000 Greeks are uninsured”

Antonis: we cannot ensure access of all to the public health system, as we would like to do”

Circular issued by the Health Ministry regarding severely ill uninsured patients”

“The transport services show a relentless face”

“Appeal from the Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helleniko”

“Appeal for Patients of Sotiria Hospital”

The sources listed below are from our blog, which you will find in the English language:

“Áre we with the Darkness or the Light”

Urgent Appeal for a Cancer Patient to the Ministry of Health”

“Representative of the Ministry of Health Revealed on the BBC”

“The Odyssey of the Indigent and Uninsured Patient”

“Family of Six on the Edge of Desperation”


  Working Hours
(MONDAY-FRIDAY 10:00-14:00) (MONDAY 17:00-20:00) 
(TUESDAY 14:00-20:00) (WEDNESDAY 16:00-20:00) (THURSDAY 14:00-20:00)
(FRIDAY 14:00-19:00) (SATURDAY 10:00-14:00) 
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: +30 210 9631950 
ADDRESS: Inside the old American Military Base, 200m away from the Traffic Police of the Municipality of Helleniko, next to the Cultural Center of Helleniko
Post code TK16777, Elliniko, Attiki, Greece
http://mkie-foreign.blogspot.gr/ Email mkiellinikou@gmail.com